Advanced Session
Join us in Kennedy’s Bar, Carrickmacross Rd, Dundalk for a few tunes. This session is aimed at our Upper Intermediate and advanced players.

Seachtain na Gaeilge Tráth na gCeist & Seisiún Cheoil
Bígí linn ar son Seachtain na Gaeilge, buail le chairde, seinn ceoil, cas amhráin agus bígí páirteach i dtráth na gceist le do chlann.
Join us for Seachtain na Gaeilge celebrations at Oriel Centre, Dundalk Gaol from 7.30pm for our Table Quiz (as Gaeilge), some music song and a bit of craic. No need for fluency in the language, it will be a light hearted family and friends affair.
20 euro gach bord | 20 Euro per table
Family Friendly

60th Anniversary St.Patrick's Eve Concert
An Evening of Traditional Music, Song and Dance from some of the region's finest musicians, singers and dancers, celebrating Lá Fhéile Pádraig (The St.Patrick's Festival) in Dundalk along with the 60th Birthday of the Branch. As well as guest musicians, singers and Dancers this concert will feature performances from current All Ireland Champion musicians from the Branch.
Guest Acts include
Singer's Máire Ní Choilm, Jimmy Johnston & Pearse McMahon
Lennon-McLaughlin School of Dance
Aoife McCabe - Sean Nós Dancer
Music Generation Louth Harp Ensemble
Branch Acts Include:
Current and Past All Ireland Champions
U18 Grúpa Cheoil
Branch Instrumental Tutors
End of Year Branch Class Concert
It's that time of year again and our Lessons are wrapping up for the Summer Months. So we are having a concert to give all of the students the opportunity to perform and to show off to Parents, Grandparent's, Family and Friends that all of their hard work has paid off. This is always a great Night.
Admission: €5 for Adults, Free for Children
There will be a Raffle on the Night.
All proceeds from the night will go towards Replenishing the Peig Needham Scholarship Fund of which application is open to branch students 12 years and older. This years Application Form will be available to download from the site shortly.

Louth Fleadh Session Trail 2017
New to the Louth Fleadh in Dundalk this year is the Session Trail which will start with our Street Session in Earl St. Dundalk at 2pm (weather permitting) and work its way along some of the establishments on Park Street from 4pm till Closing Time.
Some of the country's finest young traditional musicians will be leading these sessions. They include:
Ronan Sweeney (pipes), Céin Sweeney (flute), Méabh Smyth (fiddle) & Oisín Morrison (flute/harp), Ciara Ní Bhriain (fiddle) & Michelle Foy (fiddle), Iarlaith MacGabhann (flute) & Sean O Casaide (pipes/piano)
4-6.30pm - Youth Session, The Phoenix Bar, Park St, Dundalk, Co.Louth
5.30 - 8.00pm : The Bartender, Park Street, Dundalk, Co.Louth
7 - 9.30pm : Courtneys Bar, Park Street, Dundalk, Co.Louth
8.30 - 11pm : The Phoenix Bar: Park St. Dundalk, Co.Louth
10 - 12.30 : Russell's Saloon: Park St. Dundalk, Co.Louth
See events on our facebook page for more details

Should the weather turn wet, The Session will move to the upstairs Lounge of Eoin's Bar, Clanbrassil St. Dundalk.

Fleadh Concert featuring Padraig McGovern and Dave Sheridan with performances from members of all three County Louth Branches, Craobh Dhún Dealgan and JJ Gardiner and Drogheda Comhaltas.
Doors Open 7.30pm
Admission: Adults €8 : Juniors €5 : Family €20
Followed by an Open Session in Eoin's Bar, Clanbrassil St.

Official Opening of Louth Fleadh 2017. Open Session with a special focus on singing. Special Guests SIngers Máire Ní Choilm & Pearse McMahon.
Oriel Centre, Dundalk Gaol, Carrickmacross Road, Dundalk, Co.Louth
Admission: Free

Outdoor Street Session 2016
Outdoor street session in Dundalk Town Centre, weather permitting.

Music Recital in Louth County Museum, Jocelyn St, Dundalk
Music recital feautring two Louth musicians; Brendan Larrissey and Stevie Dunne.

Official Opening of Fleadh Contae Lú
Official Opening of Fleadh Contae Lú - Oriel Centre, Dundalk Gaol.

Launch of Fleadh Contae Lú
Launch of Fleadh Contae Lú - Oriel Centre, Dundalk Gaol - 7.30pm