Our Annual Branch Class Concert took place this year in Kilkerley Community Centre on Friday 26th of May. The Classes that took part in the Concert were The Whistle/Flute Classes of Karen Ridley and Kay Webster-Dooley. The Fiddle and Whistle Classes of Lorraine McMahon and Michelle Foy, The Tin Whistle Class of Padraig Donlon, Harp Class of Deirdre Ní Bhuachalla, Banjo Class of Daithí Kearney, Piano Accordion and Guitar Classes of Paul McMahon and the Concertina Class of Micheál Ó Raghallaigh. There were also performances by All Ireland Champions Bobby McCaul (u12 Banjo), Donnchadh Hughes (12-15 Flute), Sárán Mulligan (15-18 Concertina & Trio) and Fionuala Donlon (15-18 Trio). Our u12 and u15 Grúpaí Cheoil also performed along with a Grand FInale, lead by some of our Teachers who were then joined by a selection of Students and Parents to finish off the night.